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Kompetenzzentrum Menschenrechte (MRZ)

Andreas Georg Scherer

Andreas Georg Scherer, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.

+41 44 634 53 02
Plattenstrasse 14, CH–8032 Zurich/Switzerland

Curriculum vitae

Andreas Georg Scherer is a Professor of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm at the University of Zurich (Switzerland). He has earned his degrees at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany. From 2000-2002 he served as a Professor of Public Administration at the University of Konstanz (Germany). In 2020 he has received an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Hamburg in recognition of his career and contributions to research in the fields of business and social sciences, in particular to Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability. His research focuses on Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and the Political Role of the Business Firm in a Globalized World. His research is based on critical theory (Habermas), discourse ethics and deliberative theory, constructivism, political economy, and institutional theory. In his most recent empirical projects, he addresses phenomena and topics such as big data and digitalization, media legitimacy, corporate tax avoidance, fighting corruption, and social innovation. He has published nine books and several papers in journals such as Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Business Ethics Quarterly, Business & Society, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Management Studies, Organization, and Organization Studies. He serves as an associate editor of Business Ethics Quarterly and sits on the editorial board of several journals. In the past, he served as a guest editor of special issues at various journals such as Business Ethics Quarterly (2009), Business & Society (2014), Journal of Management Studies (2016), Organization (1998, 2007), and Organization Studies (2010). Currently, he is a guest co-editor on special issues on “Grand challenges and responsible innovation” (Journal of Management Studies, deadline for submission was 31st May 2019) and “Exploring dark and unexpected sides of digitalization” (Organization, deadline for submission was 30th June 2019) and on “Socio-technical conditions of organized immaturity in the 21st century” (Business Ethics Quarterly, deadline for submission is 31st May 2021).